01 October 2012

Here's how to extend the trial period of your Windows XP. This can be helpful if you can't seem to do anything because the system that was once activated reverted to trial and expired.

1. Type this in run or in command prompt:

C:\windows\system32\rundll32.exe syssetup,SetupOobeBnk

note: capital letter "O" after the word setup, then a small letter "o".

2. After typing, press enter.
3. Wait for a couple of minutes to make sure the process will complete. You won't see anything.
4. Restart the computer.

This process will reset XP trial, and can be done 4 times (120 days).

If your XP was expired, and you've rearmed it, then you can rearm it 2 more times with this command.

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  1. Replies
    1. Windows Xp Extend Trial Period - "Rearm" - Troubleshooting 101 >>>>> Download Now

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      Windows Xp Extend Trial Period - "Rearm" - Troubleshooting 101 >>>>> Download LINK

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  2. its great,your trick is working , thanking you saved a lot of time to me .

  3. ffff V cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer7

  4. Worked fine via local exploitation to get a remote shell via metasploit.

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